Written by David Reid of Columbus Bible Church, this book considers 37 questions that a reader of the Bible might have concerning verses in the Bible that seem to contradict. The questions introduce the reader to dispensationalism as a plain and simple approach to making the Bible come together in perfect harmony.
This book identifies the nature and timing of the day of the Lord in scripture. Specific attention is given to the day of Christ and how this uniquely Pauline revelation relates to the day of the Lord in prophecy. This project is a collaborative effort of David Reid of Columbus Bible Church and Bryan Ross of Grace Life Bible Church.
The purpose of this project is to accurately identify the different gospels in scripture. All of the notes in this booklet were presented at Grace Life Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI over the weekend of October 18-20, 2013 and is a collaborative effort of David Reid of Columbus Bible Church and Bryan Ross of Grace Life Bible Church.
There is a lot of controversy over the Bible version issue. With plenty of new and supposedly better translations coming out regularly, it can be difficult to determine which version should be used. This book seeks to answer fundamental questions regarding this issue and defends the King James Version as God's preserved Word for Engl
There is a lot of controversy over the Bible version issue. With plenty of new and supposedly better translations coming out regularly, it can be difficult to determine which version should be used. This book seeks to answer fundamental questions regarding this issue and defends the King James Version as God's preserved Word for English-speaking people today. This study is intended to be a help to those seeking to locate God's perfect Word so that they may fully trust in the power of God alone and not man's wisdom
This Bible study guide is an in-depth review of the book of Matthew using the King James Version of the Bible. Comments are backed up extensively with scripture quotes and references only. No "Biblical" scholars, church dogma, commentaries, preachers, re-defined Greek words, or modern Bible versions that corrupt the Word of God (II Corinthians 2:17) are used.
This Bible study guide is an in-depth review of the book of Mark using the King James Version of the Bible. Comments are backed up extensively with scripture quotes and references only. No "Biblical" scholars, church dogma, commentaries, preachers, re-defined Greek words, or modern Bible versions that corrupt the Word of God (II Corinthians 2:17) are used.
This Bible study guide is an in-depth review of the book of Mark using the King James Version of the Bible. Comments are backed up extensively with scripture quotes and references only. No "Biblical" scholars, church dogma, commentaries, preachers, re-defined Greek words, or modern Bible versions that corrupt the Word of God (II Corinthians 2:17) are used.
This Bible study guide is an in-depth review of the book of John using the King James Version of the Bible. Comments are backed up extensively with scripture quotes and references only. No "Biblical" scholars, church dogma, commentaries, preachers, re-defined Greek words, or modern Bible versions that corrupt the Word of God (II Corinthians 2:17) are used.
For the most part, Christianity’s doctrinal differences are the result of how they twist the book of Acts to fit their doctrine. Therefore, understanding what Acts really says is essential. This Bible study guide is an in-depth review of the book of Acts using the King James Version of the Bible.
This Bible study guide is an in-depth review of the book of Romans using the King James Version of the Bible. Comments are backed up extensively with scripture quotes and references only. No "Biblical" scholars, church dogma, commentaries, preachers, re-defined Greek words, or modern Bible versions that corrupt the Word of God (II Corinthians 2:17) are used.
This Bible study is an in-depth review of the book of I Corinthians using the King James Version of the Bible. Comments are backed up extensively with scripture quotes and references only. No "Biblical" scholars, church dogma, commentaries, preachers, re-defined Greek words, or modern Bible versions that corrupt the Word of God (II Corinthians 2:17) are used.
This Bible study is an in-depth review of the book of II Corinthians using the King James Version of the Bible. Comments are backed up extensively with scripture quotes and references only. No "Biblical" scholars, church dogma, commentaries, preachers, re-defined Greek words, or modern Bible versions that corrupt the Word of God (II Corinthians 2:17) are used.
This Bible study guide is an in-depth review of the book of Hebrews using the King James Version of the Bible. Comments are backed up extensively with scripture quotes and references only. No "Biblical" scholars, church dogma, commentaries, preachers, re-defined Greek words, or modern Bible versions that corrupt the Word of God (II Corinthians 2:17) are used .
This Bible study guide is an in-depth review of the books of James and I Peter using the King James Version of the Bible. Comments are backed up extensively with scripture quotes and references only. No "Biblical" scholars, church dogma, commentaries, preachers, re-defined Greek words, or modern Bible versions that corrupt the Word of God (II Corinthians 2:17) are used.
This Bible study is an in-depth review of the books of II Peter through Jude using the King James Version of the Bible. Comments are backed up extensively with scripture quotes and references only. No "Biblical" scholars, church dogma, commentaries, preachers, re-defined Greek words, or modern Bible versions that corrupt the Word of God (II Corinthians 2:17) are used.
This Bible study guide is an in-depth review of the book of Genesis using the King James Version of the Bible. Comments are backed up extensively with scripture quotes and references only. No "Biblical" scholars, church dogma, commentaries, preachers, re-defined Greek words, or modern Bible versions that corrupt the Word of God (II Corinthians 2:17) are used.
Daniel is a key book in understanding prophetic events for Israel during the at-hand phase of the kingdom. This Bible study guide is an in-depth review of the book of Daniel using the King James Version of the Bible. Comments are backed up extensively with scripture quotes and references only.
This Bible study guide is an in-depth review of the book of Revelation using the King James Version of the Bible. Comments are backed up extensively with scripture quotes and references only. No "Biblical" scholars, church dogma, commentaries, preachers, re-defined Greek words, or modern Bible versions that corrupt the Word of God (II Corinthians 2:17) are used
This book examines what the Bible says about tongue talking. In Israel’s program, tongues are used to reach the lost sheep of Israel with the gospel during the at-hand phase of the kingdom. Once Israel's program was set aside and God started the dispensation of grace with Paul in Acts 9:23, tongues were used to provoke Israel to jeal
This book examines what the Bible says about tongue talking. In Israel’s program, tongues are used to reach the lost sheep of Israel with the gospel during the at-hand phase of the kingdom. Once Israel's program was set aside and God started the dispensation of grace with Paul in Acts 9:23, tongues were used to provoke Israel to jealousy and also to communicate doctrine to the Body of Christ. Tongues ceased when God’s Word was completed (I Cor 13:8-10), but will resume after the rapture of the Body of Christ
This study guide was created from a June – October 2020 Bible study. No Biblical scholars are quoted, no original language definitions are given, and no religious beliefs are imposed on the text. This study relies on God’s preserved Word in a King James Bible, and the Holy Ghost to teach it to us rightly divided.Romans could not be simpler!
Is it a burning in the bosom, an inner impression, or a still, small voice? Do you need confirmation from other people who are praying and from circumstances that are presumably manipulated by God to convince you to make a decision that will be smack dab in the center of God’s will?
Once you recognize your sin and trust in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection as atonement for your sin (I Corinthians 15:3-4), God gives you the gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23). You are NOW justified by Christ’s blood, and you have NOW received the atonement (Romans 5:9,11). This means you are sealed with the Holy Ghost until (E
Once you recognize your sin and trust in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection as atonement for your sin (I Corinthians 15:3-4), God gives you the gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23). You are NOW justified by Christ’s blood, and you have NOW received the atonement (Romans 5:9,11). This means you are sealed with the Holy Ghost until (Ephesians 1:13-14) and unto (Ephesians 4:30) the day of redemption, and there is not a thing in this world you can do to lose your salvation.
Which Bible version is God’s Word? How do you know? This book lists over 850 Bible verses in their entirety from the KJV, NIV, NKJV, and NLT and concludes that we have God’s Word today without error in the King James Version. Therefore, we can study the KJV and learn what God has for us in it, rather than spending our lives questioni
Which Bible version is God’s Word? How do you know? This book lists over 850 Bible verses in their entirety from the KJV, NIV, NKJV, and NLT and concludes that we have God’s Word today without error in the King James Version. Therefore, we can study the KJV and learn what God has for us in it, rather than spending our lives questioning and changing God’s perfect Word. What a joy!
Ironside’s paper is an attempt to defend fundamental Christianity’s position that the church began in Acts 2 against the idea that the current dispensation began after Acts 28. The truth is that the mystery dispensation began with Paul in Acts 9 and will continue until the rapture, which is called our gathering together unto the Lord
Ironside’s paper is an attempt to defend fundamental Christianity’s position that the church began in Acts 2 against the idea that the current dispensation began after Acts 28. The truth is that the mystery dispensation began with Paul in Acts 9 and will continue until the rapture, which is called our gathering together unto the Lord Jesus Christ in II Thessalonians 2:1.
This book shows Ironside’s paper alongside the author’s comments in bold that show from scripture the truth of the mystery. Therefore, it refutes both Acts 2 and Acts 28 dispensationalism and stands on the truth of God’s Word to understand key doctrines that are confused by both of these positions.
Do you want to learn God’s Word, but don’t know how to go about it? Then, this book is for you! The first section goes through the Bible book by book, giving you a summary of what the Bible is all about. The second section gives a one-sentence summary and a key verse of each Bible book. Forget about human authors, date written, and a
Do you want to learn God’s Word, but don’t know how to go about it? Then, this book is for you! The first section goes through the Bible book by book, giving you a summary of what the Bible is all about. The second section gives a one-sentence summary and a key verse of each Bible book. Forget about human authors, date written, and all the other introductory material that commentaries like to fill your mind with
The information found in this book is not being taught by society and Churchianity, because it shows sex and marriage from God’s perspective. This book examines how America has allowed Satan to bring her into a reprobate mind using sexual perversion, according to the downward spiral of sin found in Romans 1:18-32. It also looks at Go
The information found in this book is not being taught by society and Churchianity, because it shows sex and marriage from God’s perspective. This book examines how America has allowed Satan to bring her into a reprobate mind using sexual perversion, according to the downward spiral of sin found in Romans 1:18-32. It also looks at God’s plan for sex and marriage for Christians.
We should follow God’s plan, not Satan’s plan!